Please, come in to this one cubic yard dumpster, as today's runny, drippy garbage is tomorrow's desiccated and priceless archaeological find. From my current perspective in immaculately clean 2-32-10 Takinogawa, Kita-ku, Brooklyn strikes me as a place that is sending out a confused message, although I do admit that I have a love for garbage dumpsters. Actually, I have been inside of a three cubic yard dumpster full of trash and it was much more spacious than I thought it would be. Also, the smell was not nearly as repulsive as I expected and I wasn't even wearing a face mask. Unfortunately, I didn't find what I had accidentally thrown away into the dumpster only hours earlier. This lead me to think that possibly there was a tunnel connecting the dumpster to an alternate world of puppet sanitation workers and puppet archaeologists working side by side to decide what will be considered valuable in the future. What a lovely, precise broadcast that would be.