I am sitting on the 18% gray expanse of the terrace overlooking Takinogawa and thinking about Venice, Italy where Luchino Visconti made his film, Death in Venice, in 1960. In doing so I am technically thinking about death, but that is really just a trifle because I am primarilly considering that I might be related to someone who worked for Visconti. I thought that I projected something into Visconti’s film, but after rewinding the film I realized that I actually did see my last name scroll by in the end credits, albeit slightly misspelled. I am still sitting on the 18% gray expanse of the terrace overlooking Takinogawa, but now I am thinking about Tokyo in 1953 and the quotidian, and that if I could read kanji I would be able to understand the end credits for Tokyo Story and find that I might even be related to someone who worked for Yasujirō Ozu.