Sitting on the balcony at night listening to a field recording I made earlier in the day from the very same balcony I experience the superimposition of daytime sounds on top of evening sounds forming the following unintentional composition comprised of: a Japanese heavy metal band in Asakuyama park, clicking of a bicycle wheel sprocket, small shrill birds, female voice from a loudspeaker atop a moving truck selling dumplings, scooter engine sharply clacking, guitar solo echo, muffled screams and cheers from the park, scooter pulling up, kickstand going down, screams, cheers, airplane overhead, car brake whine, bird commotion, bicycle bell ring, child in distance chatting, crow, horn, child closer talking to their mother, someone is whistling, scooter, rustling grocery bags, footsteps, bird tweets, bicycle brake screech, one bird squeak, scooter, kickstand difficulties, muted rumble of a truck, distant express train, clacking sound of wheels on rails, clacking sound of high heels, bike, birds, scooter, and walking sounds getting closer to the microphone.